


我不要走人人一樣的道路,沒有達到「大社會」的成功標準,賺取好多好多金銭,有一個四四正正的家庭,到時到候結婚生仔!我要做我自己!請不要always why、why....!人生不是一定要得一個模式!我就是我!一個女仔為什麼不可以單獨旅行,不可以單獨去酒吧, 為什麼不可以全曰不講一句說話,為什麼一定要困於建制....在廿一世紀,web 3.0 世界,我只對我生命負責,請不要用奇怪的眼光看我!

Really the life is filled with dilemma and contradiction. Meanwhile, when think that we stand on the dramatic stage,  I will not be shocked.  “Be Myself “, that is believe yourself and chase your suitable life is the best way to live fully or dig out the other side of life even would not award the so-called “wealth” or “money” in the eyes of the great world.  In the result, may obtain the real treasure of the life. who knows. Finally, borrow this year 2015 Gradham Moore’s Oscars speech “Stay Weired, Stay Different” to be my ending.  




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